Recently there has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction. If you're not familiar with the concept, it's actually quite simple. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, you'll receive good things or bad according to what you focus on.If you focus on the positive in your life, then more positive things will come your way. If you spend your time and energy focusing on the negative, then you'll attract more negative things.You can use these principles to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life.Follow these strategies to attract money:1. Express gratitude. If you want more of something, like money, you must first express gratitude for what you have presently. Gratitude is a powerful positive emotion. Be thankful for all that your Creator has provided you this far.* You must be sincere in your thanks. If you don't honestly feel the gratitude, then you won't be able to …