Even though wildly successful people all share certain traits, they're not super-human traits. You can identify and develop these traits if you truly want to succeed. Yes, with hard work and determination, you can become one of the super successful!In your journey to achieve your goals, you'll invariably have to deal with challenges, and even setbacks, from time to time. Every successful person faces some hardship along the way. However, it's important to remember that those with the drive to succeed will stop at nothing until they achieve their success.Here are the top five super success traits, along with tips to help you acquire them:1. Strong beliefs in yourself and what you're doing. Put your whole heart into your endeavors and truly believe that you can succeed in what you set out to accomplish. If you run into a snag in the road, find something positive you can learn from the situation and use that to keep moving forward. If necessary, develop a new plan to overcome …