Mark Ling
There are only so many super affiliates in the world and Mark Ling is one of them. He hasn’t always been at the top of the marketing world, but his innovative approach to the industry and creative methods have been keeping him going since he first started looking for ways to make money online back in 1999.
The Early Days
Mark Ling started his career as an affiliate marketer innocently enough in 1999 when his friend Charlie outlined his poster selling strategies at a squash tournament. Until then, Internet marketing was fairly simple and few marketers made the millions you hear about today. But, there was still money to be made and the two started with a basic Geocities site where they sent people to a site that sold posters.
Mark’s buddy Charlie was making $50 a week by having a banner linking to a poster selling site. Mark Ling quickly followed him into the industry. While Charlie was off promoting sports posters, Mark started selling posters focused on celebrities from around the globe. He built a handful of these simple sites and started making a modest profit from them.
He quickly learned how to build his sites faster and learned how to target a larger market and soon doubled that $50/month income and then tripled it and so on. He soon enough dropped the pizza delivery job and moved on to hire a few friends and pour all his energy into a business that was growing faster than he’d ever know.
They rented a house, set up on a batch of 486 computers and started making websites between classes, learning how to excel in search engine listings and get more traffic to send to those poster sites. They continuously replicated the success and Mark Ling was soon at the top of a growing online industry.
Recent Successes
Since 1999, Mark Ling has moved on to develop a number of other websites, using the skills he learned in those early days selling posters to put together dozens of affiliate sites in topics like dog training, language learning, marriage saving, and video games. Over the years, Mark learned how to master certain aspects of affiliate marketing as they developed – including the burgeoning of AdWords in 2003 and the development of Social Media and YouTube in 2005 as marketing tools.
Today, Mark continues to develop affiliate marketing sites through his company but has also turned toward sharing his secrets of success with aspiring affiliate marketers. He launched his AffiloBlueprint membership (You might want to read about Affiloblueprint Review) product in 2008, made up of 12 distinct weekly guides to help marketers develop a long term marketing strategy. Shortly after, he launched Affilorama (You might want to read about Affilorama Review), his blog and repository for teleseminars, webinars, and presentations alongside blog posts and free tools he has developed to help marketers with certain tactics.
He has also developed the SEO and PPC research tool, Traffic Travis, available as a free download, as well as a premium tool for power users. In recent months, Mark Ling has also started giving seminars and presentations across the globe, including Las Vegas, presenting the combined knowledge he has gathered in the affiliate marketing field.
While Mark has since developed a repertoire that includes affiliate training, product creation and consultation, the core of his business overwhelmingly remains his affiliate marketing websites and marketing lists. Whereas many Internet marketing experts will focus far more than the majority of their efforts into the IM niche, Mark still focuses his efforts heavily into affiliate marketing niches with a small part of his business devoted to IM. Mark currently lives in Christchurch, New Zealand with his wife and son.