As had been hinted at before and is now out in the open, bookmarking as an online marketing tool is now being dubbed as the next big thing, since the time of personal blogs. Social bookmarking web sites like, Digg and Stumble Upon are all growing in membership.Submitted book marks from these major sites are arranged by way of their content tags. These are simply arbitrary phrases (or words) that users name the content they want to bookmark. This way, the users are actually the ones classifying, ranking, and organizing web site content using tags.Digg This is the most popular social bookmarking web site. Although relatively new, Digg has attracted millions of members who add bookmarks to all sorts of web site content everyday.Compared with search engines and other bots, social bookmarking web sites have a built-in advantage. Users decide what content they will bookmark. Other social groups rely on the program itself to categorize and qualify content. …