Finding adequate sums of money for starting a business is the biggest hurdle you may face, unless you have deep pockets or some or the other kind of inherited wealth. It is impossible to start a new business without some startup capital because most businesses do not start making money immediately and there is no guarantee that the business will rake in enough money in its initial period, for you to live on.Here are a few tips that will help you in getting you dream startup capital.A Good Business Plan - You can raise money only if you know what you are going to do, what you are going to sell and the reason you are going to succeed in doing it. As a new businessman you need to write a business plan and define how you re going to use the funding if it’s made available to you.Defining Your Options - You will need to make a list of all kinds of sources of funding that you can tap and they may include banks, credit cards, customers, government funding and even friends and …
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